Renault House of Art – Paris Champs Elysees

At the opening of the Renault House of Art Niseema introduced the audience to the special sounds of the Cristal Baschet. The sound worlds of the “sculptures sonores” and the Cristal Baschet imparted a special acoustic atmosphere to the House of Art.

Museum of Modern Art – Strasbourg (Concert Hall)

Concluding concert at the internationally successful and praised exhibition “L’oil moteur”. Schulptures of the Baschet brothers were shown in this exhibition, and in the concluding concert Niseema, together with Bernard Baschet, presented the five octave Cristal Baschet.

French Television “Il faut pas rever”

A documentary of the Baschet brothers’ work.
The successful conclusion ot the three year cooperation on the five octave instrument between B. Baschet and Niseema ist shown in the film. Shown on F3, F4 and on German Television.

German Television Hessenschau:

A portrait of Niseema (Ingeborg Stein)
Glass music festival in paris: Presentation of the five octave Cristal Baschet.
Presentation and concert in the studio of Bernard Baschet.


Live interview with Niseema and presentation of her music.

Football World Cup 2006, Berlin

Live concert during a reception at the exclusive AXICA